Sandra Hermoso
Sandra Hermoso

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Glances at my work

In pieces

"The human being is not a total being, it is not a whole being. We are and we live in pieces. We share pieces of time, moments, with someone we cherish. We leave the best piece of the banquet for the son. We dream of a piece of the movie. We listen to that piece of the song many times. We suffer when we lose a piece, we feel shattered. Sandra Hermoso, with her collages, evokes on us sensitive pieces of our lives, with rare talent, art and beauty. She makes something be what it is, and be something else it is not. Our pieces are glued together well in the hands of the artist."

Jorge Forbes, psychoanalyst, São Paulo, Brazil

“When Sandra told me that she would dedicate her career to visual arts, I thought: finally! Sandra expresses her creativity in an innovative and freeway, sometimes it's a punch in the stomach, sometimes it warms your heart. That's what I feel when I see her works, that's what catches my attention in her art. I think that's how she creates: it comes out of her guts."

Sandra Morassutti, entrepreneur, New York - USA

"Sandra's H works possess the originality and sensibility of a soul whose creation is crisscrossed by art. Her collages, a fusion of avant-garde and everyday life, are captivating."

Cynthia Serna, journalist, Madrid - Spain

“Sandra Hermoso's collages are vivid, impactful and reflect the artist's sensitive look at her experiences. Her technique involves the use of different types of materials, giving each collage its unique personality.”

Nelcina Tropardi, co-founder of ARCA+ and President of the National Board of the Brazilian Association of Advertisers (ABA), São Paulo - Brazil

“You are a natural born artist!! Your aesthetic sense, composition and a lot of creativity…amazing!”

Eduardo Leal, architect, São Paulo - Brazil

"Sandra's body of work reveals an outlook on everyday life that mixes art in its purest form and a 'no filter' way of reading the day-to-day experience. Every new collage not only provokes an immediate response but also makes the observer want to stop time and 'decipher' every small piece of information it contains."

Edvaldo Morata, businessman, Boston - USA

"I always thought that collages were a wonderful way of making up for the lack of talent or ideas. In Sandra's case, it is not so. She goes against that assumption using her talent to create suggestive compositions that are full of humor, where the juxtaposition of characters, textures and materials evokes bygone days in a most current way."

Oscar Estruga, sculptor, Madrid - Spain